Conversation Heart Mug Rug

I know my blog is supposed to be about serging. But I recently created a project that I just had to share with you, my Conversation Heart Mug Rug. If you enjoy machine embroidery and sewing then keep reading!

For the story behind this tutorial please see click on the link to my blog post, Create Applique with your Embroidery Machine:

The instructions below show you how to create a conversation heart applique design using built-in frames. This technique works on most Baby Lock embroidery machines, even the entry-level Verve. It may also work on other brands of embroidery machines that utilize frame designs. If you don’t have an embroidery machine, you can still make the mug rug. Simply make a similar applique design using a sewing machine instead.

Below you will find a pdf version of my instructions for creating the applique design and the conversation heart mug rug. First you will see the web page version of the pdf. Below that there is a clickable link to download and print the same instructions.

I hope you enjoy creating appliques with your embroidery machine and my conversation heart mug rugs.

Happy sewing, embroidering and serging!


conversation heart mug rug
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Cape Town, South Africa