Why you Need a Serger

I believe that a sewing room really isn’t complete without a serger.  A serger allows you to create professional looking seams that are difficult to replicate with a sewing machine. It sews your seam, trims your seam and overcasts the edge of your fabric all in one step – talk about a time saver! The stitches are formed from a bunch of interlocking loops, which give serger seams their signature “stretchiness” and make them perfect for knit fabrics. You will find serger stitches in almost every textile item in your home – take a close look at your clothes, your curtains, your tablecloths, etc.  Did you find any serger stitches? I bet you did! The serger doesn’t replace your sewing machine, but it makes a perfect companion. A sewing machine and serger are like an oven and microwave. What would a kitchen be like without both? Sure, most sewing machines do overcast stitches and some have attachments that can cut, but the seams they create are just not the same (in my opinion). If you sew and don’t already own a serger, now would be a good time to do your research and decide if a serger is right for you. Stop by your local sewing store and talk with someone who knows sergers. If you do decide to get a serger, come back and visit me.  If you already own a serger, whether you are a serger newbie or a sergist extraordinaire, you are in the right place. 

This blog is for all of you out there who have invested in a serger and want to do more with it. Get it out of the box or the closet. Set it up. Start using it. Whether your goal is to neatly finish the edges of your fabric or to push your serger to its limits, I am here to help you learn to use your serger and to inspire you to create beautiful things. I look forward to serging with you!

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Cape Town, South Africa